We are Florida's leading water damage restoration company offering our services for the past 40 years. Our trained professionals are experts in leak detection services and fix messy leaks to make our customers’ lives easier and safer. It doesn’t matter if you need to detect a leak, fix it, or need plumbing services, you are in safe hands!
Do you know that an average household leak causes 10,000 gallons of water to waste daily? It means not only leaks are causing more damage to the environment it is also increasing the amount you’re paying on your water bill! That’s why it’s important to hire plumbing and repair professionals to fix this issue for you!
The Grim Facts about Water Leaks
Water leaks are one of the most common and damaging problems that homeowners can face. Yet, many homeowners don’t even realize they have a water leak until it’s too late. They can occur anywhere in your home, but they’re often hidden behind walls, under floors, or underground. Water leaks can cause all sorts of damage to your home, from ruining drywall and floors to causing mold growth. If the leak is left unchecked, it can even lead to structural damage.